Subject: GIF: Dragon Wars Author: Vernon Stephens Uploaded By: RStep44155 Date: 3/11/1999 File: DRAGONS.GIF (120558 bytes) Estimated Download Time (41151 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 2757 Needs: An Animated GIF Viewer Keywords: Vernon Stephens, RStep44155, AGIF, Animation, Fantasy, Beast, Gate, Flames, Bat, Sign, FD Type: Freely Distributed Copyright (See distribution notice below) Two ferocious dragons at war breathe flames at each other, as a bat flies by and the word Dragon Wars grow in size in the color blue. (Image size 400 X 300, 256 Colors) THE UPLOADER CLAIMS AND GUARANTEES TO HAVE FULL AND CLEAR COPYRIGHT TO THIS WORK WHICH THEY HAVE UPLOADED. THIS WORK IS FOR PERSONAL USE OF THE DOWNLOADING MEMBER ON THEIR WEB PAGE AND MAY NOT BE UPLOADED TO ANY ELECTRONIC SYSTEM OR BBS FOR REDISTRIBUTION NOR INCLUDED IN ANY COMPACT DISK (CD-ROM) OR COLLECTION OF ANY TYPE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE UPLOADER. TO DO SO PLACES THE USER AT RISK OF SEVERE FINES AND PENALTIES FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. JB